I highly recommend JivoChat LIve Chat for Websites affiliate program and their service for your own sites. I am an affiliate partner where I earn 30% of referred sales and I am also a customer of their Live Chat service on several of my websites. I will go over some benefits to me from my experience so far using their service. Then I will give some feedback regarding the affiliate partner opportunity. I feel you need to know and use JivoChat to better sell it. I will sell by example and explain some of the features that I use.
The main thing I like about having live chat on my websites is that it shows that I am in business and support is available instantly if needed. I feel it assures customers who may be on the fence about ordering or doing business with someone new to them. Give JivoChat a test drive yourself for free. Visit JivoChat If you are ready to earn recurring commissions then click their affiliate partnership page here.
You can use JivoChat for free forever. I feel the Pro features are well worth the very affordable rate. It is the lowest of the live chat options that I considered. But don’t let the price fool you. JivoChat Pro includes a long list of features. One is spam protection so you can block time wasting bots or people. With Pro you get to collect contact info if the person types it in on your field request such as for name, email, phone. You can see their ISP so you know where they may be from if they are not using a VPN for another area.
One of the best features I like about JivoChat Pro is seeing what they type while they type. It gives you time to prepare your response. You can also set up quick phrases to reply which is convenient. You do not want to appear to be a robot so I don’t go overboard with too much via autobot.
JivoChat Pro keeps your contact thread history so you can reference it later to follow up. There is also CRM which is Customer relationship management. It allows you plan and keep records of follow up actions. JivoChat Pro integrates with many software solutions for enhanced service. You can also email and make phone calls through JivoChat Pro.
JivoChat Pro features proactive chat invitations that can be programmed to solicit interaction based on your criteria such as how long the customer is on the site. I have mine turned off. I just want my shoppers to know we are available if needed. Some sites want the in your face approach and will use chat pop up invitation to chat and maybe a pop up coupon. I like that I can send the prospect a file or photo thumbnail since I sell photos.
A neat feature of JivoChat is you can install on any website you own and have a different name displayed for each site. If you are a small business, you can choose to just display your company name or website name instead of your name or an agent.
Now, lets make some money! JivoChat will pay you 30% commission for just referring a customer through your exclusive link. This is my referral link here: JivoChat. I can place it on my different websites, social media posts, or give it directly to my customers. Anyone who signs up with this link will be tied to my partner account and I will receive rewards for all of their payments. Additionally, when a customer follows the referral link, my partner code is stored in the customer’s browser cookies so that if they should decide to sign up for JivoChat later from the same browser, they will still be recognized as one of my customers.
JivoChat is a tool for agencies or any business looking to improve customer relationships or earn more money! You might ask yourself How can I earn more money as an affiliate on the internet? The answer is find more affiliate programs like JivoChat that pay 30% whenever your referred customer pays monthly or annually for Live Chat service. 30% is extremely generous commission and the fact that it is recurring payments is unbelievable. The best thing about JivoChat is the low cost value added solution sells itself! I highly recommend the service if you need Live Chat and I especially recommend their affiliate program.
Visit JivoChat If you are ready to earn recurring commissions then click their affiliate partnership page here
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